
“A vast inheritance awaits you in the wise counsel of your relatedness.”

Visual storyteller Katie Teague filmed this video within 18 miles of her home in Ashland, Oregon.  She added her poetry and Ukrainian musician Merlean’s composition “Drama in Heaven” to her stunning images to create a few moments for us to remember our kinship with nature and with each other.

Teague explains “While I love time-lapse photography as it uniquely and exquisitely renders the aliveness of the Earth and cosmos, as a process it deepens me in my relation to the spirit of a place. I experience it as a genuine opportunity to more than just see but to behold (and to be beheld).”



A voice from the edge of the world

Woke me

In the dark abyss before time

When mind and matter are undivided

Before the dawn of Everything

Her words were like wind breathing me

“Each inhale is preparation for death.”

“So look with your eyes” she said.

“but see with your heart.”


“Behold where you have come from” she said

“A vast inheritance awaits you

in the wise council

of your relatedness.”


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